Silencing Putin’s enemies

Andrei Illarionov, once Vladimir Putin’s economic advisor, but later a devoted oppositionist, has become the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’, being forced out of his position at the Cato Institute in Washington DC. Read my piece about it here, on RT, as I discuss the irony of Putin’s enemies being ‘silenced’ in the United States.

21 thoughts on “Silencing Putin’s enemies”

  1. 1. A topical joke from the Russian internet:

    A Russian and an American are talking. The Russian says: “In Russia, I can twit that the Russian elections were “stolen” any day, and I don’t get banned! ”

    “So what,” says the American. “In America, too, I can twit that the Russian elections were “stolen” as much as I like!”

    2. “… extraordinary ignorance about all things Russian; or a willful lack of concern for the truth…”

    It is all of the above, of course.

    The question is, where are the bloody EXPERTS? All the American Professors of Russian studies, WTF? The society is paying them to KNOW, to be concerned about the TRUTH. But the vast majority of them seem to have no desire to use their knowledge or share it with the public, while the public, at least as represented by MSM/politicians, has no desire to hear it. It’s extraordinary really! The same Putin mistranslations and misquotes circulate for bloody DECADES!!!

    Of course, Professor Cohen was standing up for the truth. The reason the fools&cowards he had for colleagues haven’t cancelled him altogether while he was still alive was probably his age. Land of the free, home of the brave, my ass!

    So thank you, Professor Robinson, for doing what you American peers won’t.


    1. Of course, the whole humour of that joke is that it is a reversal of the old joke about the Soviet person saying that he too can stand in Red Square and shout ‘down with capitalism’. Through the indirect reference to this old joke, the new one neatly highlights the reversal of the situation vis-a-vis political freedom in the USA and Russia.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, it’s actually getting scary in the U.S. People are scared to utter their personal opinion that the election was stolen, for fear of losing their job or being put on a no-fly list, etc. Because then they are considered to be mutineers or seditionists. And could possibly even be arrested, or swept up in some dragnet.

        It doesn’t help that the Average Joe American has turned into a rat-fink, snitching to the police about their friends and relatives over Twitter! There used to be a rough code of conduct that you don’t snitch to the cops for non-criminal stuff, but those days are over too.

        The irony is that American politicians have been stealing elections since the days of Tammany Hall and even earlier. It is a well-known fact that Kennedy stole his election from Nixon, for example. And I reckon it’s okay to say that out loud. You are just not allowed to say that Biden stole the election from Trump, because that’s treason!


    1. What we can be sure of is that Antifa, if it was involved, probably contains more FBI agents than actual members!

      would you elaborate? Look, I do not need an introduction into the larger context. Probably?


      1. Hey, moon. My statement is based on mountains of factual historical knowledge (including stuff they had to reveal eventually, as part of the Freedom of Information Act requests), as to the extent the FBI has (since, like forever) infiltrated leftist (and even fake-leftist) movements in the U.S.. In the 1930’s and 40’s the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, and any other socialist party was infiltrated, top to bottom, by the FBI. In the 1960’s, the FBI had its agents in every Communist, Socialist, Black Panther, Maoist, SDS, you name it. Not to mention the Civil Rights movement, and Martin Luther King’s entourage. It’s just a fact of life, every American leftist knows that. It’s also a fact that whenever random violence starts in the middle of a peaceful demonstration, there a good likelihood it was some FBI provocateur who threw the first firebomb.

        Therefore, it stands to reason that they probably have infiltrated BLM and Antifa and probably had something to do with the levels of violence over the summer. Can I prove this? Sure, I’ll just send them an email and ask them….


      2. as to the extent the FBI has (since, like forever) infiltrated leftist (and even fake-leftist) movements in the U.S.. In the 1930’s and 40’s the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, and any other socialist party was infiltrated, top to bottom, by the FBI. In the 1960’s, the FBI had its agents in every Communist, Socialist, Black Panther, Maoist, SDS, you name it. Not to mention the Civil Rights movement, and Martin Luther King’s entourage.

        a big historical sweep up into the present? And you are a true vs fake leftist today?


      3. moon, your comments simply don’t make any sense, and never did. They are dissonant, irrational, illogical, and it is impossible to know exactly what your position is on any given issue.


      4. and it is impossible to know exactly what your position is on any given issue.

        which in turn makes me irrational?

        But interesting response, fact is I do not quite understand what your basic positions are either. Do I have basic positions. Sure. Do they fit into current times (German, European, American, Russian, Chinese …) neatly? Always? How could they?

        Therefore, it stands to reason that they probably have infiltrated BLM and Antifa and probably had something to do with the levels of violence over the summer. Can I prove this? Sure, I’ll just send them an email and ask them….

        I have a basic idea about BLM. I am not sure to what extend US antifa can be compared to groups belonging into the larger category over here … I never heard about antifa US before 2017. …


      5. sorry valensis, I am a bit on edge presently. Seems as if the spirits out there have conspired to bother me. Both privately and technically. They always seem to use this combination. But let’s see technically this looks like a promising approach could be hidden here:

        Too old, too long ago. Fingers off registry? Maybe, maybe not.


  2. I think the central irony of all this fracca is, as you say Professor, the US Democrats have more in common with United Russia than with Putin’s so-called ‘liberal’ opposition who are the very people who used tanks on the Duma in 1993, who rigged elections thereafter, and often looked the other way or encouraged journalists to be murdered who asked too many questions and do not accept any outcome where they are defeated even though all the electoral and opinion evidence is that outside of a certain very small subset they are utterly despised.


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