Putin takes Italy

I’m frankly a little surprised that nobody has yet accused Vladimir Putin of being behind the rise to power of the newly elected head of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, Doug Ford.  Ford is perhaps the closest thing Canada can produce to Donald Trump – i.e. somebody generally dismissed by the media as a populist, blowhard, know-nothing. The fact that such people somehow manage to win elections baffles much of our commentariat (and with Ontario’s governing Liberal Party well behind in the polls, it seems likely that Ford will soon be our new Premier). After the shambolic, drug-filled performance of Doug’s brother Rob as Mayor of Toronto, it defies the normal liberal observer’s sense of reason that anybody would vote for yet another member of the Ford dynasty, let alone that he could become leader of Canada’s largest province. In the same way, it defied reason that Britons could vote for Brexit, Americans for Trump, Germans for the AfD, and the like. It follows that there must be some external force which is to blame.

In the current climate, that means Russia. And so it is that the successful performance of the Five Stars Movement in this week’s Italian general election is being put down to the malign influence of Russia, and being debated more in terms of what it means for the allegedly relentless rise of Russian power than in terms of Italian domestic politics.

Hot off the mark was former American ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, who tweeted on Monday that, ‘In the past 2 years, Putin has won elections in the United States, Austria, Czechia & now Italy. He’s also delivered Brexit & performed well in France & Germany.’ And today, the Sunday edition of the New York Times contains an op-ed by regular columnist Frank Bruni entitled ‘Italy has dumped America. For Russia’.  Five Stars’ performance,  writes Bruni,

was characterized as the triumph of populism. But it was a triumph for Putin, too: proof that many Italians have jilted and replaced us — with Russia.

When they cast their votes, Italians were, of course, not thinking of their country’s own internal problems, issues relating to large-scale immigration from North Africa, or anything like that; they were thinking of the United States and Russia, and casting a vote for or against Vladimir Putin. Or so it seems in the strange world of Bruni-land. Mr Bruni quotes the editor of the Italian newspaper La Stampa as telling him, ‘Nobody ever took this poll but I believe that if you were asking all Italians today who is the most popular foreign leader in all of Italy, Putin would win.’ I have often complained in this blog of the lack of evidence being produced for claims about Russia, and here we have it in spades – a poll which nobody has ever taken! Obviously true, then.

Bruni, to be fair, is aware that he’s on weak ground. He admits:

To be clear, neither the Five Star Movement’s nor the League’s appeal to Italian voters hinged on its stance toward Russia. “How many Italians are really positive about Russia?” asked Roberto D’Alimonte, a prominent Italian political scientist. “I haven’t seen any data, and I have my doubts.” What’s more, there’s a strictly practical reason for Italian politicians to take a gentle, friendly tone toward Russia: The sanctions have cut off the Russian market from Italian manufacturers and farmers who could profit mightily from it.

So here we have it – Italians don’t care too much about Russia, and Russia didn’t actually have anything to do with how they voted. How then does this translate into ‘Italians have abandoned America for Russia’? Well, this is the New York Times, so you can probably guess the answer – it’s Trump’s fault. The problem is that, ‘Trump has certainly sent the message that he cares a whole lot less than his predecessors did about what longtime European allies like Italy want.’ As a result, Italians dislike him. Bruni continues:

And when they look toward Trump, what do they see? An American president who praises and sometimes seems intent on emulating the autocrats of the world, starting with Putin. Trump isn’t promoting the values — free markets, open borders, humanitarian aid — that bound the United States and Western Europe. He’s playing Putin’s chest-thumping, nativist game, albeit with less practice, less polish and his shirt on.

Faced with this, Italians are looking for an alternative, Bruni claims. And who is that? Putin, obviously.

This makes no sense. In the first place, Bruni has already admitted that Russia wasn’t on Italian voters’ minds. And in the second place, if what Italians don’t like about Trump is that ‘he’s playing Putin’s chest-thumping, nativist game’, why would they consider Putin to be an ‘alternative’ to Trump? Either Trump is the same as Putin, or he’s different – he can’t be both.

I’m sure that there’s some technical term for intellectual constructs of this sort, in which two unrelated items are placed side by side in order to create a false impression in readers’ minds that the two are connected. If so, I don’t know what the term is, but it’s clearly what’s going on here. Add in a short caveat to make it clear like you’re a reasonable person, and then say ‘Italy, Putin’, ‘Italy, Putin’, ‘Italy, Putin’ enough times, and people will think they’re somehow connected.

In reality, they’re not. Americans, Canadians, Brits, Italians, and others, who vote for unexpected people or causes, do so for their own reasons which have nothing to do with Russia. Meanwhile, once the dust settles and Italy gets a new government, it will still be a member of NATO, still be a member of the EU, and still sanctioning Russia. It will no more be a Russian client, and no less an American ally, than it was a week ago. Has Italy ‘dumped America for Russia’? No. Of course not.

10 thoughts on “Putin takes Italy”

  1. From my experience, Italians in general are considerably less russophobe then Anglo Saxons.

    Generally speaking, Italians dont have that moral superiority complex (they have a bit of a cultural superiority complex, but that means that they consider their cuisine to be tastier and their architecture to be more impressive then yours, and not that they consider themselfs holier then thou as the Anglo Saxons) and frankly, Italian cuisine and architecture has far more going for them then western righteousness does.

    A joke I heard when I was last wrestling in Italy:
    “Wouldnt Berlusconi be pretty good if he actually was competent?”
    “Yes, but then he would also be Putins lost twin brother.”

    It is 5 stars movement not 5 start movement minor type I think.

    Renzi btw. lost because he was EU affiliated.

    EU commission spend the last X years shitting on Italy, and the EU is seen as responsible for the migration crisis, and iirc both 5 stars and the right wing parties kind of managed to blame parts of the migration crisis on the intervention in Lybia (reasonable), and managed to get that intervention associated with the EU (was more Sarko wanting to play Napoleon).

    It was mostly the economy (massive youth unemployment) and the EU insults though.

    Putin can do business with any Italian politician, and any Italian politician can do business with Putin. Italian Pols from non establishment parties are perhaps more interesting, because a) they have less restrictions from the EU etc. and b) are likely less experienced, but basically Italy was already the most pro Russian EU major under the last government, and if Russia doesnt completely fudge her cards it will stay this way.


  2. Neoliberal scumbags like Power have become so detached from reality that they have no clue how condescending their Russia claims are to the average voters in these elections. No wonder they keep losing, and hopefully will continue losing as their malign influence is far more damaging to “democracy” than anything Putin might be doing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, in a vein similar to what Karl wrote, I’d say that Putin takes Italy because western elites turn utterly rotten; stubbornly refusing to pay any attention to popular discontent and adjust accordingly. Which is what western ‘democracy’ is really all about. But hey, what can you do: greed clouds judgment.


  4. Good piece. Here is another one in the Israeli (left of centre) newspaper Ha’aretz by Ariel David where he essentially links the Italian victory as a success to the one and only, Vladimir V. Putin: https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-vladimir-putin-just-won-italy-s-election-1.5870206.

    The newspaper, in general (although, there are the rare exceptions), is systematically trying to demonize the Russian leader and the country. You guessed it, it is all over his Jewish comment, which was taken completely out of context! They are now claiming he is an anti-Semite when, in reality, it is just the opposite. This prompted Ksenia Svetlova, an Israeli politician sitting in the opposition, to call for a condemnation of his remarks. In fairness, this was reported by other Israeli newspapers (the Times of Israel & the Jerusalem Post) but not as vigorously and accusatory as Ha’aretz. Their journalistic practices reek of malpractice. It need not look far. Just ask Russian Jews living in Russia and they will tell you that it has never been better for the Jewish community in Russia (vis-à-vis anti-Semitism) in the country’s entire history! It saddens me because I am someone that comes from the Left and they are practicing exactly what they complain about from the Right. Anyways, I thought that you should know this because it is spreading like a virus at an uncontrollable and dangerous rate.


    1. “It saddens me because I am someone that comes from the Left”

      If I may inquire – why do you identify with the “Left”? What is “Left” for you?


  5. “Faced with this, Italians are looking for an alternative, Bruni claims. And who is that? Putin, obviously.”

    With this logic – why not the Great Cthulhu?


  6. “I’m sure that there’s some technical term for intellectual constructs of this sort”

    elision ? (originally from poetry, i’ve heard it used as a somewhat highbrow critique of sloppy logic)


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